Fiona’s Simple Chili

Fiona’s Simple Chili

Red-Bean-Chili-56408Despite having worked in Chocolate for many years I had no idea our Dove Chocolate Discoveries business also sold a range of chocolate inspired food products. When we were in McLean presenting to the Board, someone mentioned it to me and the General Manager, John Wyckoff, kindly sent me some samples. I made a very simple chili – quantities for 4. – Fiona Dawson, Mars Food President


  • 5 oz. chorizo
  • 17 oz. minced pork
  • One jar of  Dove Chocolate Discoveries Cocoa Roma Pasta Sauce
  • One jar of DCD Sweet ‘N’ Smokey Chocolate BBQ Sauce
  • One can of spicy mixed beans
  • 1 tsp. smoked paprika


  1. Cut the chorizo into half moons (taking the skin off), and brown gently in a pan to release all the lovely orange oil, then remove to a plate.
  2. Brown minced pork in  oil, and then add the chorizo back in (pancetta would also be nice)
  3. Add in the jar of Cocoa Roma Pasta Sauce, the BBQ sauce, the spicy mixed beans and paprika to taste.
  4. Simmer for 20 minutes.

I served it with some Uncle Ben’s® Jasmin Rice, taco shells, grated cheese, guacamole and sour cream. Everyone devoured it, and it’s a real fun, casual, way to spend a Saturday evening (with some good Rugby too!)

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